Is it True That There are Too Many "Wild
Claims" Regarding Medical Usage of Marijuana. No.

Dr. Robert Melamede:

Pot Usage for Most People
Actually Helps Trigger "Homeostasis"
Which is the Beginning of
the Body's Built-In Healing Processes.

No one is claiming here that marijuana used as a drug is required for homeostasis to manifest. But if homeostasis is not somewhat manifest for an organisim, then death or sickness is imminent. Empirically, science knew that cannabis helped a wide variety of ailments well before the 1988-1992 period, but no one knew why or how it worked. Thus, cannabis medicine fell into disuse and prohibition at the Federal level around the time that World War II began.

Or at least, that's how most view the history of marijuana prohibition these days.

Dr. Robert Melamede is the retired and former head of the Biology Department at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, and was involved in some of the early research concerning the endocannabinoid system, and was actively involved in the legalization of cannabis (marijuana) in that state up until the year pot legalization was accomplished in Colorado.

RE: the "wild claims" that marijuana used as medicine helps a very large number of ailments.

RE: the history of the discovery of the endocannabinoid system.. General online search for "history endocannabinoid system". Dr. Melamede's involvement in such research and issues, or click here.

These "wild claims" tend to create skepticism in the general public, some of whom assume that what is really happening is a massive "abuse" of marijuana by irresponsible "pot-heads".

"The wellness drug." But if we study the endo-cannabinoid system first, and what its functions are for human health in general, we might discover why pot really is "the wellness drug" which affects so many common ailments. Pot usage seems to help many ailments: from Alzheimer's disease, to glaucoma, from insomnia, to pain relief, from anorexia to arthritis; from cancer to multiple sclerosis, and those are just some of them.

Also, the "magic bullet" approach to understanding the medical effects of different drugs, cannot possibly bring understanding to how weed works for most ailments. For that, we need to understand the "endo-cannabinoid" system of the human body first.

But the haters of pot used to call it "devil weed". Tragically, the endo-cannabinoid system was not discovered by science until the period beginning in 1988. A lot of people are still closed minded about it. That's really devilish.

This ignorance of the endo-cannabinoid system is what creates skepticism concerning the extremely wide-ranging effects of medical marijuana.