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NOTE: this item was written initially starting around the year 2011 or 2012, before Wikipedia began posting the sequential number of each U.S. state entering the Union. If you check in your library in printed books, this information may still be missing from most reference books, especially those printed before about 2014 or so. I think Wikipedia was the first to start publishing this information as it is not present in most other reference sources, except perhaps for the only the first 13 states/colonies. Personally, I memorized 14-50 before 1-13 as I did not know what was Vermont's sequence number.
Fourteen Stripe U.S. Flag Discovered Back in 2008: CLICK HERE. THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Vermont Senators Sanders and Leahy should both be contacted immediately about this! Sometimes the government accidentally does the right thing for a change!
RE: DFM Radio Amsterdam.
If you don't like what is currently playing, just wait; it will probably
change drastically within 15 or 30 minutes. However, the default setting
for DFM is probably some form of techno.
I'm sure techno increases productivity;
but don't play it too loud.

Notice the 14 branches of the tree representing the USA.
Current tally: 14 original states fought in the Revolution; including Pennsylvania, Vermont and Delaware. Vermont then sort-of slunk away as an independent "state" after being snubbed by the lawyers running the USA (the Continental Congress), and traded with Canada a lot during the Revolution until it ended. But that's how the USA received a lot of supplies, across Lake Champlain, during the Revolution. But the Battle of Bennington, a sub-part of the Battle of Saratoga, was won largely by the U.S. due to the arrival on the scene of the "Green Mountain Boys". And some say this turned the tide toward a U. S. victory for the entire Revolution.
Current tally: 13 original colonies, including Vermont, but excluding Delaware, which was never a colony. Just before the revolution, Delaware state was formed peacefully from the "Delaware counties of Pennsylvania", so it was never a colony of any European country. Vermont was a colony, with land grants there approved by two different Kings in the U.K., creating some uncertainty about the validity of those land-grants, which delayed their becoming a fully "approved" state by the lawyers running the USA (the Continental Congress). But I think it's obvious that Vermont was supposed to be State number 14 all along.
This entire thing I originally wrote about Vermont, I had to remove since I didn't know about Delaware when I wrote it, so I lost count myself!