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NORML Canada Feature Articles
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- Senate of Canada Report on Cannabis Prohibition : click here.
- Recent Official Statements from NORML Canada : click here .
- List of U. S. States which have Decriminalized Possession of Marijuana to Some Extent, and List of U. S. States In Which No Incarceration May Occur for Simple Possession of Marijuana : Click Here .
- Quaker Church, Exec. Secretary for Europe and the Middle East for the Society of Friends, Hans Weening discusses Dutch Drugs Policy versus Prohibition: Click Here .
- Mexico; Pancho Villa: Remove Marijuana from Rebel Territory" .
- Letter sent by NORML Canada web maintainer in early 1999 to all 100 U.S. senators, some U.S. representatives, all Georgia and Alabama state senators, and other governmental officials asking them to start building good citizens again rather than more prisons and jails.
Same letter (with extra humor) was sent to President Bush soon after he took office in Jan. 2001.
- If You Use Any Illicit Drug Other Than Marijuana, Please Click Here .
- FREEDOM DEFINED : timeless definitions from Canada and the Founding Fathers of the United States.
- Go Dutch ! Virtual Prohibition has Now Arrived : click here .
- A Father Speaks Out; Predicts that the "Drug-War on Marijuana" Will be Terminated Soon.
- Marinol and Marijuana ; new study released by author.
- Something in Pot Protects the Brains of Stroke Victims ? Yes, apparently, according to these articles.
Terry Parker, Pot Smoker Extraordinaire', an article about Terry Parker by Umberto Iorfida, which appeared in Cannabis Canada magazine.
- Proposed guidelines for Cannabis Policy, by Neil Boyd, Gil Puder, and John Conroy : proposal .
- Where do NORML Canada and the Stichting Institute of Medical Marijuana, get their money ? Click Here .
- Two articles about "harm reduction" in drug policy :
- What is "Harm Reduction" , and Where Did It Come From ?
- Drug Risks , both legal and illegal.
- Iorfida Recommends Amnesty for all Marijuana Dealers, Money Launderers, etc.
- Is it Safe ? Marijuana and Driving .
- Is Amsterdam the lurid criminal cesspool of Europe ?
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(7 December 2000 NORML) The President of the United States, Bill Clinton, while still President, called for the decriminalization of marijuana immediately after the contested election between Al Gore and G. W. Bush. There were about 45 days remaining before he left office.
- (14 May 2004 Marijuana-Stoned Drivers As Safe as Drug Free Say Dutch Researchers. ( archive copy of article.) But watch out for this one, that one, that one, and that one. ( Related editorial by editor David Borden.) (Other similar studies in Australia and the U.S., (read through the list) have found that pot smokers who drive are very slightly safer than the population of all drivers as a whole as well as "drug-free" drivers. NORML Canada driving page.)
- DRUG TEXT , a website maintained by Dutch lawyer Mario Lap ; a large collection of relevant articles on harm reduction, legalization, medicalization, decriminalization, etc., etc. Click here to link to homepage ; click here to link to articles index.
Light from Darkness, an article about reforming the U.S. penal system, and the "war on drugs". By Webster Hubbell, former Associate Attorney General of the United States, and former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Arkansas. Originally published by the late John F. Kennedy, Jr.'s George Magazine under the title, Life in Prison, August 1997.
- (from Vancouver Compassion Club website) NORML Canada Custodian Attorney John Conroy Discusses the Status of Marijuana Laws in Canada.
- (from Iowa NORML news archive) Swiss Say Yes to Legality . They want full regulation and no-hassle availability of marijuana for adults.
- Latest Update from Umberto Iorfida, former president of NORML Canada (link to Umberto's personal web site).
- The Renee Boje Story : Click Here
Serendipity : Great Libertarian Site about all sorts of interesting things : click here.
- New Link to American Religious Leaders Who Support Ending the War on Drugs : click here.
LAW ENFORCEMENT AGAINST PROHIBITION (LEAP) Dedicated to the late Constable Gil Puder of the Vancouver, B.C., Police Force, One of the Three Authors of Vancouver, B.C. Decrim. Policy (Also thanks to former B.C. Premier Ujjal Dosanjh). (This link discovered at Cannabis Culture magazine website. )
COPS AGAINST THE DRUG WAR : Those Who Put Their Lives on the Line Every Day Deserve to be Heard. (This link discovered at Cannabis Culture magazine website.)
- (July 30, 2002 ABC News/John Stossel) Is It Time to End the Failed Drug War ?
- (excerpted from NORML U.S. weekly news report) French INSERM Report Gives Added Credibility to Harm Reduction Drug Control Philosophy.
- (link to PBS) SNITCH ; Ground Breaking Excellent Scoop on the Snitch Plague Sweeping America - A True Social Plague.
- American Alcohol Prohibition is a subject worth studying, click here .
- Most Major Studies Since about 1890 on marijuana policy by governments. Includes, British, Canadian, American, and other governments' studies.
- (Dana Beal at Cures-Not-Wars ) The Ibogaine Story, etc. : Lotsof . Also, The Ibogaine Story From the Cures Not Wars site.
- GREAT LINKS FROM NEW YORK CITY ! Investigative reporter Paul DeRienzo, of the extremely famous radio station, WBAI. (That's the "free radio", of New York City, not a pirate station, but an "outside the establishment" station.) WBAI RADIO .
- New Scientist magazine, English, has a special site devoted to the marijuana issue : Click Here .
- Here's the report the WHO (World Health Organization, part of the U.N.) tried to suppress : Suppressed .
- Amazing research shows Drug Users are better workers !
- An official drug policy site in the Netherlands, Click Here.
- Current Medical Marijuana bill gaining sponsors in U. S. Congress (external links) : click here , or here.